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Finding Your Life's Work in a Time of Uncertainty -- By Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg


Updated: Dec 12, 2021

As the joke goes, anyone in 2016 who thought they knew exactly where they'd be in five years back was wrong. Who could have predicted a pandemic, let alone the twists, spikes, calms, and new variants? Yet times like this often compel us to hunker down and really consider what's important.

In the Your Right Livelihood class last year, participants came shaken about our pandemic future but also yearning to make the work they love come true or figure out what that work is in the first place, especially when the previous ways we make a living and meaning don't add up anymore. Our group included a social worker considering a pivot to consulting work, an IT director ready to leap into offering mindfulness classes and coaching, and a retired accountant and veteran ready to identify as a poet.

As the end of this year continues the long uncertainty of what will be, one thing keeps ringing true for many of us: it's time to do the work that matters. For some of us, that means rigging up new ways to make a living while leaping into the wild unknown of the arts. For others of us, it's determining what the new view is now that the day job is fading in the rear-view mirror. And for others, this time entails finding better ways to plan and prioritize the emerging work while juggling family, a day job, and other things that fill the hours. Given that many of us are finding new ways to construct our livelihoods (including working from home or other remote locations, meeting people over Zoom rather than in person, and navigating new forms of teamwork or new job configurations), the time is ripe to consider what's calling you and how to respond.

To that end, we sincerely invite you to join us for Life & Livelihood Small Group Coaching -- an evening discussion 7-8:30 CST Tues., Jan. 4 with Kathryn, me, and some noble peers to dive into what you're thinking about, questioning, and considering. Everyone gets to ask a question, and by listening to one another's queries and Kathryn and my responses (including further questions we might ask), we tend to find more collective wisdom. This is especially true when we need or want to pivot our work in this global swirl of possibilities and unknowns.

Come join us -- it's just $9.99 for the 90-minute session, and we have limited space left. You can sign up here, or register directly on Paypal here. Or skip go, and contact us to set up your free 20-minute Discovery Call with Kathryn here or with me here.

Already, we have some marvelous humans with similar quests enrolling in our next Your Right Livelihood class, which starts Jan. 23, and which you can do from wherever you are with lots of personalized guidance, ample support, and best practices to name and claim your next act. We'd love to talk with you about your work, whether it's for livelihood, art, or service, so please keep in touch.

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