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How Guides and Fellow Travelers Can Help You Find Your Path -- by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg

I didn't know I was a poet until Judy Rance-Roney, my sophomore high school English teacher, told me so. Although I'd been writing poetry at fast clip in my notebook for over a year, something I felt compelled to do out of the need for words to explain my life to me, it wasn't until Ms. Rance-Raney pulled out me out of the classroom one day, my newly-written sonnet in her hand, and said, "You're a poet!" that something clicked into place.

Our paths in life are like that: they can be hard to walk, let alone find in all the overgrowth of our lives unless we have some guides -- teachers, peers, good company for the journey -- who, by really seeing us, help us see ourselves more clearly. No wonder then that I found even more clarity about where my path was leading, even among the bramble and thunderstorms, as I met other writer-friends, teachers, and guides in the years since I was a 15-year-old baby poet.

Finding good guides and fellow travelers (as well as guidance from our whole self) informs every aspect of how we designed the Your Right Livelihood class. Kathryn Lorenzen, my co-leader, and I act as witnesses, guides, and occasionally your friendly neighborhood sherpa to help you get to the places and the work calling to you. We also facilitate a cohort group that provides you with wise, insightful, and compassionate traveling companions to shine a light on the possibilities, language, questions, quests, and magic opening on your path. Visiting teachers give us even more perspective. Altogether, this helps each of us find what work wants to come through us, whether it's our emerging livelihood, next act after retirement, or art or service calling our name.

  • Weekly Zoom sessions Sunday evenings for discussions, group work, featured guest teachers, and in-depth learning.

  • Individualized pick-your-adventure portfolios you create, in concert with Kathryn and me, of what you need to launch your new work in balance with your life.

  • Online private website featuring weekly discussions, reflections, podcasts, links, resources, and a forum for sharing what we're discovering along the way.

  • One-on-one coaching session every two week along the way.

  • Beyond-the Beyond support to help you succeed (see below)

  • All participants who successfully finish the class receive a certificate of completion.

Want to find out more? Please join us at our Sun., Feb. 5 small group coaching session, "Will Create for Love & Money," and contact us for a free Discovery call.

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